`Straight out 5* Grand Prix 1m60 mare HH Ciske van Overis`
View the entire collection of First Foal Auction May 2021

Ended on

May 23, 2021, 9:10:00 PM

Sold to Ireland

7 bids

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Emerald jumped himself at the Olympics with Harrie Smolders. And he has proved to pass on his qualitative genes to his offspring. In this case he passes them on to an international proven dam line. Mother Floortje van Overis jumped with Laura Renwick at the level of 1.40m. Floortje is combined with For Pleasure a direct daughter to Grand Prix 5* 1.60m HH Ciske van Overis. She is on her turn one of the most famous Celano daughters, after a career at 5* Grand Prix 1.60m levels with Edwina Tops Alexander. HH Ciske van Overis is also aunt to no less than the 1.60m jumping horses Supreme Z and Twix van Overis.


VAT 9.00%



Diamant de Semilly
Le tot de Semilly
Venise des Cresles
Carthina Z
Tanagra's van het Darohof
Floortje van Overis Z (CSI 1.40m)
For Pleasure
Furioso II
HH Ciske van Overis (CSI 1.60m)
Uberta van Overis
View pedigree horsetelex

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